樋口 舞
桐朋学園大学音楽学部卒業、研究科修了。その後渡独し、Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy音楽大学ライプツィヒ修士課程を首席卒業。
2016年ソリストとして、ライプツィヒ音楽大学オーケストラとサンサーンス:ピアノ協奏曲第5番を共演。そして2022年、第11回バッハ国際ピアノコンクール(In Memoriam Walter Blankenheim)にて第3位。
これまでに、江崎光世、松元みなえ、上原興隆、Gerald Fauth, Jacques Ammon 、堀由紀子各氏に師事。また室内楽を、藤井和興、干野宜大、川村文雄の各氏に師事。
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Mai Higuchi
Graduated from the Toho Gakuen School of Music with a degree in musicology and completed the graduate course. After that, she went to Germany and graduated at the top of her class from the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Music University, Leipzig, Germany.
She won the third prize at the PIANALE International Piano Competition in Germany. He was awarded the Rohm Scholarship and a special prize. As a supplementary prize, she performed two consecutive nights of solo recitals in Fulda, Germany. The recital was well received and was published in a German regional newspaper.
In 2016, she performed Saint-Saens: Piano Concerto No. 5 with the Leipzig University of Music Orchestra as a soloist. And in 2022, she won the third prize at the 11th Bach International Piano Competition (In Memoriam Walter Blankenheim).
During her studies, she performed in Leipzig, at the Steingräber & Söhne Piano Headquarters in Bayreuth, at museums, and in other locations in Germany. She also received diplomas at seminars in Austria, Germany, Italy, and other European countries.
In September 2017, she moved her base to Japan and held a recital to commemorate her return to Japan. And she was featured in a local newspaper.
In Japan, she has won numerous prizes in competitions since her childhood, including the Atsugi City Superintendent of Education Prize at the 23rd Atsugi Music Competition for Youth, first prize at the 2003 Kawai Music Competition in Kanagawa, the 27th Soleil Music Competition, and the 29th Education Federation Piano Audition District Excellence Prize.
Currently, she is energetically engaged in both solo and accompanying performances, as well as teaching younger students. Also she works as an assistant professor of the Department of Music at Ferris University and the director of Higuchi Piano School.
She has studied with Mitsuyo Ezaki, Minae Matsumoto, Okitaka Uehara, Gerald Fauth, Jacques Ammon, and Yukiko Hori. And also studied chamber music under Kazuoki Fujii, Yoshihiro Hoshino, and Fumio Kawamura.